This was a crazy idea from the start...
This is my first year coaching and I did my own training schedule for Ironman Florida. Saturday Oct 8th fell right on the date of my planned 7 hour training day bike ride. As I browsed the local races in AZ as I do often I noticed that there was this local race in Douglas AZ that weekend and if I did the 165 mile option I could use my triathlon bike! Score! It seemed like the perfect scenario to pound out my long training day with the excitement of other riders and race support happening. I knew that 165 miles would translate to over 7 hours but I felt ok with that. 127 was my farthest ride ever at that point so it would also be a new exciting challenge for me!
My friends Bridgit and Bethany decided to sign up with me to coach them and I started planning out their year schedules as well. I mentioned to Brigit I had this race in mind and it might be something she would be interested in as her goal was to develop her biking this year. I didn't have to ask twice. She was in! LOL. We signed up together and tried to get a group together but believe it or not there is not a lot of people who want to ride that distance ;).
This was all planned out early in the year and I still had a ton of training to do in order to get me ready for my A race Ironman Florida. As training volume started to get heavy and fatigue started to set in I was questioning more and more whether or not I should do this race. I really didn't want to do something that was going to hurt my Ironman but I hate the idea of not completing something I signed up for.
About a week to go from the race I was battling some severe fatigue and depression and made a call to Bettina (head coach of Racelab and my mentor). I explained to her how I was feeling and what I had planned and she told me that I was experiencing classic over training syndrome and that I should NOT do the race. Oh man. What was I going to do? I totally agreed with her based on how I felt and I knew that I would run a risk of ruining my Florida Ironman race if I went through with it.
This however was the problem...
1.We had a total of 4 riders going down to Douglas to complete the race and I had the support crew (Brittney) that we needed in order to do the race. (this ended up being Sevi's son)
2. This was a big race for my athlete Bridget. She trained very hard and was really looking forward to doing it. I did not want to bail on her.
3. Her grandmother had just passed away and she wanted to ride in honor of her memory.
4. I felt like she was really counting on me and I could not let her down.
I called Bettina again and said that I completely understand what she advised me to do but for reasons out of my control I had to do this race. I asked her if she would help me recover as best as possible for Ironman Florida so I could at least still have a decent race. She agreed to help me!
So I was off to Douglas with Bridgit! Race morning came and I spent at least 1 hour watching Bridget try to decide what socks to wear out of the 10 pairs she brought with her? I don't wear socks so I was absolutely no help to her in her decision making process. With 20 min to go before the race we were literally getting in our car at our hotel and driving to the race :/. LOL. All was well and we somehow made it on time and got to the start line seconds before the gun went off.
The race was on! We all started out together and my heart rate immediately shot up. I yelled out to the group that I was going to slow it down because I knew I had to stick to my heart rate strategy if I was going to finish this race. I decided to let my friends go ahead and I hung back. Always keeping them in eye shot though it is hard to watch people ahead being a competitive athlete. As the ride continued we rode out through the hills of Bisby and the historical town of Tomestone. It was so beautiful and very cool to see. In the mean time by mile 30 I had caught up with my group at aid stations and was feeling really good. I pulled away at one of the aid stops and just got my grove going. I was seriously in my happy place. There was so much to see and everything was new it really made for an awesome ride. By mile 80 I was out on the course by myself and just cranking away. I really had my rhythm by this point and was able to increase my speed. At about mile 85 we head out onto the I-10 for about 15 miles. This is a major highway and holy crap that was scary! Semi's are buzzing by looking at you like you are crazy. There was no signs or anything out there telling people cyclists were on the road. My heart rate probably jumped about 10 beats for that portion. As the I-10 portion finally ends around mile 100 there is a pretty big climb. I remember thinking about one of my training rides where my friend suggested we climb this big hill for our mile 100. We all laughed and said "nah lets not" but here I was climbing a big hill at mile 100. I suffered through that climb a little bit but I knew after that it was pretty flat for the last 60 miles. Now it was just time to get to the finish. More miles ticked away and I was still going pretty fast and steady. At about mile 150 everything started to hurt. Those last 15 miles were a major grind. My feet were burning, my back was sore, my butt had enough in the saddle. I really had to dig deep and mentally push through those last 15 miles. As I rounded the corner on the last mile I hear a volunteer yell into his walkie-talkie "first place female coming through". What? First place? Was that me? Holy shit! As I rode through the finish line I got a lot of applause and they congratulated me on my first place finish. Wow.
I got my medal and they asked me to hang around for the rest of my crew to come in and so they could get a picture of the top female finishers because second and third had not finished yet. I had a pretty good feeling that my athlete Bridget was going to be coming in second. I knew if she stuck to the plan and held strong she had every bit of the ability to do it. Sure enough they started announcing second place female was coming through. There she was! It was Bridget!!! I was so excited and so proud to see her coming through. Tears started welling up in my eyes as I saw her cross the line (I am kind of a sap about my athletes). She looked amazing! Nice and strong.
This turned out to be an amazing race for me and an awesome confidence booster for my Ironman Florida coming up. To think I didn't even want to do it. Hah! Who knew?